Reisebrev fra Stockholm

I august var det duket for den internasjonale konkurransen Stockholm Junior Water Price (SIWI) og vinneren av Norsk Juniorvannpris, Kasun Siriwardane, har hatt en spektakulær uke i Sveriges hovedstad. Kasun og lærer Grace Goodwin fra British International School of Stavanger kan fortelle om innholdsrike dager og gode opplevelser fra sin tur til Stockholm.

Finalistene kommer fra hele verden og programmet for uken var fullspekket av både konkurranse, men også bedriftsbesøk til Xylem Inc (hovedsponsor), byvandring, besøk til Skansen og gallamiddag.
Selveste Kronprinsesse Victoria kom på besøk og hilste på finalistene:

Kasun hilser på Kronsprinsesse Victoria.

Her er Kasuns egne ord om sin opplevelse:

Our time in Stockholm was truly memorable, and I am more than happy to share my experience.

How was it being a finalist?
Being a finalist was an incredible honour. It was inspiring to be among such talented and bright students, all working towards innovative solutions for water sustainability. The sense of achievement and excitement was palpable.

How did you prepare for the final?
Preparation involved refining, expanding and fleshing out our project, practicing our presentations, and ensuring I could communicate my findings effectively. I also made sure to stay updated on related research to anticipate questions from the judges.

What did you have to do during the competition?
During the competition, we presented our project to the judges and interacted with other finalists, sharing insights and discussing different approaches to water issues. Besides the academic aspects, we spent an plenty of time exploring Stockholm and doing various activities, all while bonding and creating ever-lasting friendships. 

How was it meeting the other finalists?
Meeting the other finalists was an amazing experience. We quickly bonded over our shared passion for water sustainability, and interests and hobbies expanding beyond education; it really felt like a gathering of relatable, fun and adventurous teenagers. The time we spent together, both in and out of the competition, helped us form strong and lasting friendships.  

What did you enjoy the most?
One thing I really liked was meeting H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden during the Stockholm Junior Water Prize Ceremony; it was an honor to be in her presence. But my favorite part of the entire experience was participating in the Royal Banquet. It felt surreal sharing a dinner with His Majesty the King of Sweden—there were name tags on the tables, and we were served a delicious three-course meal by royal servers. The atmosphere was incredible, with violinists playing «Viva La Vida» and a magnificent pianist setting the perfect tone for the evening.

Gallamiddag med alle finalistene.

Lærer Grace forteller følgende om reisen til Stockholm og deltakelsen i Stockholm Junior Water Prize:

«The week offered an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the students, filled with a variety of activities that continually inspired them. It was a wonderful acknowledgment of their hard work and dedication, highlighting the high level of effort they put into their projects. As a teacher, I felt an immense sense of pride watching my student present his work with such confidence and excellence, demonstrating the depth of his understanding. Additionally, I had the fascinating experience of speaking with national organizers from other countries, where we exchanged ideas on how to better engage students in the important and evolving field of water management.»

Kronprinsesse Victoria med alle finalistene.

Norsk Juniorvannpris eies av Norsk vannforeningen og Norsk hydrologiråd. Vi har inngått samarbeidsavtale med Inspiria Science Center om arrangeringen av konkurransen.

Vi tror konkurransen kan være inspirerende for elever å delta i og oppfordrer alle lærere til å bruke konkurransen i sin undervisning. Les mer og meld dere på her.

Bilder: Grace Goodwin