The Norwegian Water Association covers technical and administrative aspects of water as a natural resource. The association emphasizes matters related to both water quality and water resources in a multi-use perspective.
The Norwegian Water Association regularly organizes seminars and half-day meetings on relevant topics in all areas of water science. Members receive a discount on seminar fees and receive the journal “VANN” 4 times per year. Half-day meetings are free, which makes them especially suitable for students.
The Norwegian Water Association was established on April 29, 1964 and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2014.
The object of the Norwegian Water Association is to promote good protection and a balanced use of water resources by disseminating information and promoting knowledge and debate on water-related issues.
The activities of the Norwegian Water Association shall be characterized by a high level of expertise and commitment. The association shall be visible and recognized by all professional water-related communities, relevant authorities, and among the members of the association.
The board, the meeting committees, the editorial committee, and the regional committees shall have a broad composition and represent the breadth of water-related subject areas in Norway. On this basis, the Norwegian Water Association shall:
- spread knowledge on water-related issues
- establish links between different water-related communities
- encourage national and international cooperation in this area
- contribute to good water resource management
- generate interest in water-related studies
The above is ensured through offering reasonably priced seminars, free meetings, the journal VANN, and our website, where up-to-date information on the association’s activities and broad water-related information is available.
Activities organized or supported by the association are announced at the beginning of every semester. The program is published on our website and distributed by e-mail to our members. The work is carried out by board members and the association’s central and regional committees. This work is unpaid, and speakers are not rewarded financially for their contribution. The Norwegian Water Association thus ensures a reasonable operation, good management of its financial resources, and can offer reasonable membership and seminars for it´s members.